All stats

Stat Category Lists Slug
Dark Fungus Totems totems dark_fungus
Dark Heritage Flaws flaws_human dark_heritage
Dark of Night Gifts hakken_3 dark_of_night
Dark Secret Flaws flaws_human dark_secret
Dark Truths Gifts corax_3 dark_truths
Darkened Mirror Rites rites_6 Darkened_Mirror
Darksight Gifts ratkin_1 darksight
Darting Fangs Gifts nagah_4 darting_fangs
Data Flow Gifts ceilican_3 data_flow
Datajack Cyber cyber_all, cyber datajack
Daughters of Cacophony Identities clans, clans_independent daughters_of_cacophony
Daylight Identities pryios daylight
Dazzle Gifts children_of_gaia_3 dazzle
Dead Stick Gifts wendigo_1 dead_stick
Dead Talk Gifts corax_3 dead_talk
Dead-Eye Gifts homid_1 dead-eye
Dead-Kin-Fang Fetishes talens dead-kin-fang
Deaf Flaws flaws_human deaf
Death and the Soul Paths paths death_and_the_soul
Death Curse Spells spells death_curse
Death Dust Fetishes fetish_6 death_dust
Death Mark Gifts knife-skulker_1 death_mark
Death Ray Gifts engineer_5 death_ray
Death Track Gifts silent_striders_3 death_track
Death Whispers Gifts lupus_3 death_whispers
Deathrattler Fetishes fetish_3 deathrattler
Deaths Sigil Thorns thorns deaths_sigil
Deathsight Flaws flaws deathsight
Decapitated Flaws flaws_wraith decapitated
Deceptive Aura Merits merits_vampire deceptive_aura
Deceptive Demise Gifts tengu_5 deceptive_demise
DedBugz Fetishes fetish_3 dedbugz
Dedication Rite Rites rites_all dedication_rite
Deep Pockets Gifts ratkin_2 deep_pockets
Deep Sleeper Flaws flaws_vampire deep_sleeper
Defender Archetypes archetypes defender
Defense of the Sacred Haven Rituals rituals_1 defense_of_the_sacred_haven
Defiance Rites rites_red_talons defiance
Deflection of Wooden Doom Rituals rituals_1 deflection_of_wooden_doom
Deformity Flaws flaws deformity
Delayed Action Numinae numina delayed_action
Deliberate Misinformation Gifts planetary_mitanu_3 deliberate_misinformation
Dementation Disciplines disciplines, disc_malkavian_antitribu dementation
Dementation 1 Disciplines dementation_1
Dementation 2 Disciplines dementation_2
Dementation 3 Disciplines dementation_3
Dementation 4 Disciplines dementation_4
Dementation 5 Disciplines dementation_5
Demolitions Abilities skills demolitions
Den-Realm Backgrounds backgrounds, backgrounds_bastet den-realm