
All wererats possess a low-level 'night vision' that allows them to peer into the shadowy corners of the world. This Gift magnifies that ability. Highly perceptive Ratkin may pick up heat signatures, see sound waves, or possibly see through various methods of supernatural obfuscation. This Gift is taught by a Night-spirit.
Roll Perception+Occult (difficulty 7); eache success adds one die to all perception rolls for the rest of the scene, up to a maximum of three extra dice. With five successes, he can perform amazing fights, like seeing sound or sensing heat signatures. Any Ratkin can spend a point of Gnosis to gain Night Vision or one scene; Ratkin with this Gift can use Night Vision at any time without spending Gnosis. It's also possible for a highly perceptive wererat to see through supernatural illusions, like the Uktena Gift: Shroud or the Vampire Disciplines Obtenebration, Obfuscate, or Chimerstry, but the Ratkin's Rank must be equal to or greater than the Rank of the supernatural creature. (Treat vampires as being Rank Two in general, modified for age and puissance; mages have a Rank roughly equivalent to their Arete-2, minimum of Rank One.) If the Ratkin's Rank is the same equivalent Rank, he must make a resisted Perception+Occult roll against the subject's Stealth+Occult. If the wererat scores more successes, he sees throught the supernatural obfuscation.
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