All stats

Stat Category Lists Slug
Death Dust Fetishes fetish_6 death_dust
Death Mark Gifts knife-skulker_1 death_mark
Word of Honor Gifts silver_fangs_2 word_of_honor
Wotan's Spear Fetishes fetish_5 wotans_spear
Wounding Rites rites_renown, rites_all, rites_1 wounding
Wrack Thorns thorns wrack
Wraith Kinship Fetishes fetish_3 wraith_kinship
Wrath of Gaia Gifts silver_fangs_3 wrath_of_gaia
Wrath of Nala Gifts bastet_gifts, bastet_metis_5 wrath_of_nala
Wrench of the Luffe Gremlin Fetishes fetish_3 wrench_of_the_luffe_gremlin
Wriggle Gifts metis_2 wriggle
Wsitiplaju's Bow Gifts wendigo_4 wsitiplajus_bow
Wyld Ferocity Gifts lupus_3 wyld_ferocity
Wyld Spirits Gifts planetary_meros_3 wyld_spirits
Wyld Throw Gifts umbral_dansers_2 wyld_throw
Wyld Warp Gifts black_furies_5 wyld_warp
Wyldflute Fetishes fetish_3 wyldflute
Wyrm Dagger Fetishes fetish_3 wyrm_dagger
Wyrm Hide Gifts black_spiral_dancers_2 wyrm_hide
Wyrm Mirror Fetishes fetish_2 wyrm_mirror
Wyrm Scale Fetishes talens wyrm_scale
Wyrm Whispers Gifts uktena_3 wyrm_whispers
Wyrm-Tainted Flaws flaws_kinfolk wyrm-tainted
Xochipilli's Touch Gifts nuwisha_1 xochipillis_touch
Yomi Slayer Spells Fetishes talens yomi_slayer_spells
Yoshitsune's Sword Gifts tengu_3 yoshitsunes_sword
What's the Password Gifts bastet_gifts, bastet_homid_4 whats_the_password
Whelp Body Gifts ragabash_4, ratkin_metis_4 whelp_body
Whisker Sight Gifts bastet_gifts, feline_3, bastet_metis_2 whisker_sight
Whisper Gifts nunehi_totem_1 whisper
Whisper Feather Fetishes talens whisper_feather
Whisper in the Dark Gifts planetary_hakahe_4 whisper_in_the_dark
Whispered Dreams Gifts munchmausen_4 whispered_dreams
Whispering Wind Gifts kailindo_3 whispering_wind
Whispers Thorns thorns whispers
Whispers of the Ghost Rituals rituals_2 whispers_of_the_ghost
Whispers of the Heavens Thaum_Paths assamite_sorcery_paths whispers_of_the_heavens
Whistle Call Fetishes fetish_3 whistle_call
Whore's Vengeance Gifts black_furies_2 whores_vengeance
Widow's Spite Rituals rituals_1 widows_spite
Wilderness Reclaimed Rites rites_red_talons wilderness_reclaimed
Will o' the Wisp Rituals rituals_1 will_o_the_wisp
Willowhip Fetishes fetish_5 willowhip
Wind from the West Gifts bastet_gifts, qualmi_2 wind_from_the_west
Wings of Pegasus Gifts black_furies_3 wings_of_pegasus
Winter Pack Rites rites_red_talons winter_pack
Winter Winds Rites rites_seasonal, rites_all, rites_2 winter_winds
Winter Wolf Rites rites_death, rites_all, rites_3 winter_wolf
Wisdom of the Ancient Ways Gifts philodox_3 wisdom_of_the_ancient_ways
Wisdom of the River Gifts nunehi_totem_2 wisdom_of_the_river