Studying the Great Web


Using this rite allows the Viskr to examine the Great Web as a whole, literally seeing the universe as it truly is. The image is not exact - the Ananasi, despite their detached state of mind couldn't handle that much information, or the greater truths of reality - but does give an indication of what and where the Viskr should concentrate their efforts to restore Symmetry.


While in her Sylie, the Viskr consumes certain salts and herbs to enter an altered state. Over the course of the next two days, spent in meditation and prayer, the most immediate threats to the Great Web's Symmetry are revealed in symbolic visions to the Ananasi. Those threats must be considered and interpreted by the Viskr before any actions are taken. It is not uncommon for several Viskr to get together after using this rite, the better to compare notes and interpret what they have seen.

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