This is the Black Spiral Dancers' tribal Rite of Passage, granted to Spiral-born cubs after their First Change, or to defectors from other tribes. This is the most sacred rite of the tribe, and is usually attended by all the Dancers in a Hive who are able to do so. They bring the cub to the Pit's spiritual heart, where the ritemaster paints an elaborate spiral on the floor. While the ritemaster works, the Hive's Galliards recite the tale of the betrayal of the White Howlers by the other tribes of the Garou Nation, and the rebirth and dark enlightenment of the tribe as the Black Spiral Dancers. When the tale concludes, the cub must pass each member of the Hive present for the rite before approaching the ritemaster. Any member of the Hive who objects to the pup's inclusion in the tribe is free to attempt to murder him without fear of reprisal. Assuming the pup makes it to the ritemaster, he is bid to enter the spiral drawn on the floor. This is a spiritual representation of the true Black Spiral Labyrinth, and as the pup walks the spiral, Banes rise up to challenge, test, and enlighten her. The spiral seems to twist, growing to dark enormity, and the pup actually passes in and out of the Umbra at times. Should she reach the center of the spiral, she glimpses the true face of the Wyrm for one stark, impossible moment, shattering her mind. Her education continues as she staggers back the way she came, soul now torn open and receptive to the Wyrm's dark miracles. Banes taste her agony and madness, and grant her their blessings in response. When she emerges from the spiral, she is now a full-fledged member of the tribe. By custom, the first thing a Black Spiral Dancer utters becomes her tribal name, which is usually a gibbering collection of nonsense syllable. Much respect is accorded to those rare few with the presence of mind and strength of will to bestow mighty deed-names upon themselves in expectation of future triumphs.
Dance of the Black Spiral
Black Spiral Dancer
Black Spiral Dancers
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