
Heron is a curious spirit, and he long beak is often probing into affairs that others would like to keep quiet. She is graceful and wise and chooses only packs that exemplify her standards of purity, elegance and inquisitiveness.
Heron's children receive one point of Wisdom. They also gain +3 Enigmas, and may add three dice to any Dice Pool that involves cleansing or purifying something or someone in Gaia's name (the Rite of Cleansing, for instance). Finally, Heron teaches her followers the Gift: Open Seal. Heron requests that her followers discover and lay bare secrets at least once a moon. These secrets must be revealed to the entire Sept at least, and must also be of some importance - discovering a Kinfolk's secret infatuation is of little import, but revealing a vampire's savings account number might suffice.
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