
Duck is a totem of Concordance and Harmony. Ducks mate for life and their spirit avatar grants gifts of Love and empathy. Duck believes that the majority of Garou have cut themselves off from too much of Gaia's love. She believes that too many Garou have decided to retreat into their own society, forgetting that most of them were once part of human or wolf society. She does not believe that Garou should cut off their ties to their birth culture, just because they discover that Gaia chose them to defend her. Duck is likely to be most co-operative if the request will bring two creatures together in a bond of love. Duck also possess the ability to hide her beauty amongst the drab scenary.
Duck grants two extra points of Empathy (even if that takes the Garou over 5) and the gift Blur of the Milky Eye. Followers of Duck must not break up relationships on any basis short of danger to either member.
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