Bone Gnawers

The lowest of the low of Garou society, the Bone Gnawers are openly reviled and joked about by the rest of the Garou, with the possible exception of the Glass Walkers. Like the Walkers, the Gnawers have taken to the cities, but they live in the dregs, in the streets, and the alleys, surviving on whatever refuse happens by. The other Garou consider them traitors; they consider themselves smart and it is true, of all the tribes, the Gnawers are the hardiest of them all. They are able to survive what might bring another Garou to ruin. In addition, their street connections and relations among the homeless, gives them sources of information not available to any other. Their ability to do anything without regard to pride makes them unquestionably useful to the more 'refined' Garou. --------------- The Bone Gnawers, the Children of the Totem Rat, are the lowest of the Werewolf along the World of Darkness and the History. Their origins are uncertain, perhaps they descend from a 'scavenger sept' of the prehistoric North Africa or perhaps they have been a collection of the desperate throughout the history of the Garou Nation. Bone Gnawers are often despised as honorless cowards; while this is true of some of the tribe some of the time, Bone Gnawers in general are devoted to the protection of the weak (the homeless, the mad, the exploited) from the corruption of the Wyrm, fighting in the core of the city with all the vicious strength of a cornered rat. Wiki Reference
Totem: Rat Starting Willpower: 4 Starting Backgrounds: Any but Past Life or Pure Breed.
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