
Category Title Slug Sort descending Lists
Fetishes Amulet of Kinship amulet_of_kinship fetish_2
Fetishes Bane Lantern bane_lantern fetish_2
Fetishes Blanket of Peaceful Dreams blanket_of_peaceful_dreams fetish_2
Fetishes Blood Chalice blood_chalice fetish_2
Fetishes Bones of Shielding bones_of_shielding fetish_2
Fetishes Chuck Rock chuck_rock fetish_2
Fetishes Cloak of Darkness cloak_of_darkness fetish_2
Fetishes Dagger of Retribution dagger_of_retribution fetish_2
Fetishes Devilwhip devilwhip fetish_2
Fetishes Elk Tooth Necklace elk_tooth_necklace fetish_2
Fetishes Fish Swatter fish_swatter fetish_2
Fetishes Friendship Ring friendship_ring fetish_2
Fetishes Grandmother's Stone grandmothers_stone fetish_2
Fetishes Grandmother's Stones grandmothers_stones fetish_2
Fetishes Green Leaper green_leaper fetish_2
Fetishes Information Absorber information_absorber fetish_2
Fetishes Kinship Doll kinship_doll fetish_2
Fetishes Lagomorph's Boon lagomorphs_boon fetish_2
Fetishes Moongleam moongleam fetish_2
Fetishes Owl Feather owl_feather fetish_2
Fetishes Owner's Bridle owners_bridle fetish_2
Fetishes Pipeline pipeline fetish_2
Fetishes Pipes of the Swarm pipes_of_the_swarm fetish_2
Fetishes Psychotropic Cube psychotropic_cube fetish_2
Fetishes Scarification scarification fetish_2
Fetishes Smith's Hammer smiths_hammer fetish_2
Fetishes Spirit Drum spirit_drum fetish_2
Fetishes Spirit Tracer spirit_tracer fetish_2
Fetishes Storybag storybag fetish_2
Fetishes Super Magnet super_magnet fetish_2