
Horse is responsible for most of mankind's success leading into the Dark Medieval, serving as a symbol of progress and strength. Nobles, merchants and even some peasants rely upon Horse for prestige, commerce, travel, farming and their advantages in combat. Warders sometimes favor this totem for its connection with travel and cities, but most werewolves look down on Horse for its close connection with humans.
One dot of Stamina, no penalties when riding horses (given); Animal Ken 3, Ride 2 (pack); three Willpower points (story). Most Garou have little respect for packs associated with Horse, it being a domesticated animal. All Social rolls involving werewolves (other than Warders) add two to their difficulty. Also, Horse asks that his children never harm domesticated animals if it can be avoided. This means that the pack must find wild prey, rather than domesticated cattle or livestock, unless it has reached the point of starvation and has no other option. This only applies to live animals, as it is impossible to harm an animal that is beyond feeling. For example, eating a roast prepared for a banquet is acceptable, but ordering a cow slaughtered for the feast is not. If a pack does make a meal of an already slaughtered domesticated animal, Horse asks that the Prayer for the Prey be performed for it.
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