Encrypt Missive

To insure that messages remain secure against prying eyes, the Tremere sometimes use this ritual to encode documents magically. Created during nights long past to send messages across battle lines or hostile borders, this ritual is not as often in the age of electronic communication, but is occasionally used to communicate between chantries. Also, this is a fairly common ritual - many Anarch Free State seem to have learned it, and use it to encrypt graffiti messages to others of their kind. System: The thaumaturge writes the message in blood over the course of a night and speaks the name of the person he wishes to read it. Only the writer and the person whom the letter is addressed can read the document, but numerous 'counter-rituals' exist that can be used to confound the magic of this ritual. To any others who observe the letter, the writing simply appears as gibberish. Clarification: The caster must use his own vitae to encrypt a text. It costs 1 BP for a letter, 1BP per word of graffiti, 20 BP for a book. Rarity: Tremere = Common | Other = Common
Thaumaturgy 1
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