
The tigers of the Bastet tribes fit the ideal of the noble warriors. The Khan are passionate, straightforward, dependable, and action-oriented. Though they do not have the cleverness of other tribes, a Khan applies himself fully to anything he undertakes, be it hunting, romance, combat, or even study and meditation. Unfortunately, because of their passion and nobility, the Khan tend to be too trusting and too overconfident.%R%RThe Khan are friendly and enjoy company, and though they tend to tolerate their own kind for only short periods, they enjoy companions and will defend them with great vigor. They are fierce opponents and it is said that the Khan were brought forth to fight demons - many of them take this charge quite literally, making enemies of the infernal, vampires, and fomori. These creatures will rarely find an opponent as relentless as the tiger, though the Khan have also been hunted nearly to extinction.
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