Of Rat and Man

With a bit of practice, homid breed Ratkin can learn to assume a form between Homid and Crinos, rather like a Garou's Glabro form. Though the critter still appears very human, his 'ratlike' features become exaggerated enough that anyone can notice them. Beady eyes, a sharp nose, gnarled hands and a stoop are the most commonly displayed traits. Humans find this unnerving; rats find it charming. While in this form, many of the aspects of misleading and betraying humans become much easier.
Spend one Rage and spend one turn shifting. The following Attribute modifiers apply while in 'near man' form: Dexterity +2, Charisma +1 {to rats), Charisma -1 (to humans), and Perception +2. Best of all, while in this cunning form, your Subterfuge and Stealth rolls' difficulties are reduced by 2.
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