Inner Volcano


Inside the fomor, temperatures rise to unhealthy levels. She experiences perpetual fever, and when under stress or exertion, the fever rises to dangerous intensity.


Each three turns of hard physical labor (combat, running, heavy lifting, etc.) inflicts one non-soakable, non-aggravated Health Level of damage on the fomor. Anyone who gets too close to the character during this stage will suffer the consequences: if the fomor is so much as touched, the other person must roll to soak a Health Level of damage, unless they take precautions to insulate themselves from the heat. The 'Regeneration' and 'Immunity' Powers will not protect the fomor from this damage, nor will 'Hide of Cerberus' (the heat comes from within,) but damage taken by the fomor in this manner will heal at one Health Level per day.

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