Forced Transformation


Some event or condition forces you to shapeshift uncontrollably. You must spend a Willpower point each turn to resist the change. Once changed, you cannot shift back until the condition forcing the change has passed. Examples: - every full moon you must assume Crinos (2pt) - when your auspice waxes you assume Crinos (2pt) - under the influence of alcohol you change to Glabro (1pt) or Crinos (2pt) - when sexually aroused you change to Glabro (1pt), Crinos (2pt) or if lupus, to Homid (2pt) - when you get angry (just short of a Rage roll), you change to Glabro (1pt) or Crinos (2pt) - when you frenzy, you take a form other than Crinos - Glabro or Hispo (2pt), Lupus (3pt), or Homid (4pt) - when entering the Umbra, you change to Glabro, Crinos, or Hispo (1pt), or Homid or Lupus (2pt) - at the sight of wolfsbane you change to Homid (1pt) - at the sight of a vampire you change to Crinos (1pt) or Homid (3pt) - when you sense Wyrm-taint you change to Crinos (1pt) or Homid (2pt)

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