
House Wyrmfoe is our youngest house. It arose in England, France and Spain in the mid-1300s, born in the chaos of the Inquisition when the Garou needed heroes at the most. A Century after its creation the new world was discovered and the house moved out of Europe en masse. Doing this it brought people from other houses aswell. It was first in the 20th Century harano appeared among WyrmFoe and it worsened during the World Wars. Jacob Morningkill became King shortly after the World War II and in his early reign it was as a just and vigorous ruler. Unfortunately King MorningKills sanity faded along with his youth, and he and much of his house fell into indolent shambles until a Black Spiral pack killed him in a sneak attack. The Throne lay empty but contested by Arkady of House Crescent Moon and Jonas Albrecht, Morningkill's estranged grandson, fought over the the throne and after Jonas Albrecht recovered the Silver Crown, took the throne.

Silver Fang
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