Suprathyroid Gland

The suprathyroid gland is a regulating gland that is implanted on top of the thyroid gland within the body. It augments the metabolic functions of the thyroid, optimizing catabolism (the breakdown of complex substances, such as starches into sugars) and anabolism (the chemical conversion of substances, such as the construction of complex sugars) within the body. The altered metabolism produces more energy and effectively supercharges the recipient.
* System: Introduction of the gland gives the recipient +1 to all physical attributes, +1 to alertness and +1 celerity action. He will have to ingest twice as much food and liquids daily as a normal person (cumulative with other consumption increases such as symbiotes). The subject is prone to hyperactivity and give off more body-heat than normal, making the diff to spot them with Infra-red/Thermal vision -1. * Prerequisite: NONE * Nuyen Cost: 1,250,000 * Surgery: Complex * BodyCost: 1.4
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